How to Setup an AquaCorals Reef Tank
Tips For Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of Reef keeping! Without doubt one of the most beautiful & rewarding hobbies to play with…BUT, it can also be very frustrating, especially at first. So much information out there, so many people who say "do it this way". Who to believe & what to believe?! This hobby has a well deserved reputation for being difficult…until now.
You are reading this hopefully because you like the beauty of my tanks & perhaps have chosen AquaCorals to mentor you through to success. Know that I will do my absolute best to help you achieve the reef aquarium of your dreams. One that can last endless years!
Pictured below is my 180g reef that's been running non-stop over 13 years & never torn down!
Understand that in order to be successful with my “recipe for setup” you must do everything I do. Missing even one part of this recipe would be like trying to make cookies & not including the flour! Please, do not take into account conflicting opinions of others. Until you can confidently diagnose typical aquarium situations and the appropriate course of action, as I would, do not proceed on your own. Especially until you also clearly understand exactly WHY I recommend what I do. By no means am I suggesting not to read books/magazines & researching the Internet on all topics, but I highly recommend focusing on animal needs/care (coral, invert or fish) & avoid what would be others aquarium philosophies.
Important Note:
The Internet, books & magazine articles are great sources of information but be warned! ... there is just as much bad/outdated information as there is good.
As an inexperienced hobbyist you should always contact me with any questions you may have. I can help you sort through it all!
Stop by AquaCorals during business hours or e-mail anytime with any questions you may have.
"The only dumb questions .... are ones that aren't asked."
Penny - AquaCorals Reef Aquariums