AquaCorals Tank Raised Rose Bubble Tip Anemone



AquaCorals Tank Raised Rose Bubble Tip Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor

These animals are very much like balloons where they can inflate & deflate to the extreme in sizes.  They will normally close/deflate during their dark ride in shipping & may take a couple days in their new home/your tank before fully acclimating/expanding.  Your tank conditions, i.e., water quality, lighting offered & placement in your tank etc. will greatly determine how happy/expanded they will be.

Sizes are based on expanded inches.

Handle with care.  All anemones sting so I recommend wearing aquarium gloves or at least medical exam gloves when handling.

Bubble Tips are ONLY Anemone I will sell because...
All Anemones are opportunistic fish eaters & the Bubble Tip is the least aggressive & least likely to make a meal of your fish!  I've found ALL Clownfish will go to the Bubble Tip anemones, readily reproduce in captivity and are the hardiest/easiest to keep of all anemones.   They come in multiple colors with unique patterns too.  Given all this,  I can't with all good conscious offer any other species.

Can be kept singly or with other Bubble Tips but know if you have other species of anemones, it's likely they will move & seek each other out & fight, with one, if not both, dying from the encounter.

Bubble Tip Anemones appreciate a meaty meal once a week.  When I feed mine I add a little more PE Mysis shrimp to my fish food mix.  I feed my fish then go to my anemones & gently add a little food to the "ends" of their tentacles (never directly into their mouths!).  If they are hungry, they will happily hang onto the food given, travel it to their mouths & consume it.  Understand that what goes in, comes out the same hole for anemones so don't be surprised if you see a glob being expelled.  Often times they will contract when "pooping" too so don't be alarmed.  Also understand that all anemones are like balloons where they inflate their tissue with water & expand greatly like blowing up a balloon with air.  Expanded tissue lightens the color of the animal whereas a closed animal's color will look darker, more intense.  Certainly the light intensity over them will determine how they "look" so again, depending on how inflated or contracted they are will determine how they look minute by minute in your tank.  This is something that makes them fascinating to watch - especially with Clownfish snuggling them!

Handling & Placement Instructions:

Bubble Tip Anemones will normally close during shipping. Use my acclimation guide included in your box & if no fish or inverts with eyes you may keep your lights on. When ready to place in your tank, turn off your system & all water flow equipment to quiet the water. This will help them to attach. Wear gloves to protect your hands when handling. Place down on the sand against your rocks in a spot that doesn't get direct water flow which could irritate it & make it move/wander. BTA's like to have their foot attached to a hard surface & in a nook or hole. When you place it foot down keep your hand gently against it so it doesn't float away & encourage it to stick to the place you want it. Hold gently for a couple minutes then very slowly moved your hand away. You may use a couple of small rocks to surround it's base to help it feel more secure. Leave your system off for about 1/2 hour. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me & attach a full tank front picture with full daylights on so I can see to better help you. Enjoy!

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